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Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz
This is the first book of the Blue Bloods series. It's about the lives of 3 vampires named Schuyler Van Alen, Mimi Force, and Bliss Llewelllyn, mainly, put into one book, even though it's mostly focused on Schuyler Van Alen. Schuyler was an outsider of her private school who lives with her grandmother and pet bloodhound, Beauty. Mimi and Bliss are popular at Schuyler's school, though they have contrasting personalities. Mimi is a promincuous girl with a huge ego, while Bliss is a ... nicer person than Mimi, who has a crush on Dylan, one of Schuyler's friends. All of a sudden, Schulyer falls for a popular boy at her school named Jack Force and Bliss is slowly starting to rebel against Mimi; all of this making Mimi MAD! During a night at a nightclub, one of the fellow students at their school is found dead and Jack reveals to Schuyler that it wasn't a drug overdose (as the police and fellow students had speculated), but rather murder (!), that caused her death. This book needs to be a little bit more organized, but it's interesting. The storyline's a bit bleak and it takes a while to see what the story is actually about, but overall, it's an interesting series. ***1/2 Stars, Reviewed by TCK-TAB Member

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1 comment:

sally said...

I liked the review and I hope to see more!